Bontrup always aims to deliver the highest quality and comply with or exceed industry standards

Independent quality verification

We work with the best and most experienced researchers, scientists and experts to assess the quality of our products.

Why? We want to reassure our customers that we deliver what we promise. Independent quality assessments also prevent us from becoming complacent and always aim to improve our performance. It’s in our nature to be critical on our own operations and products. This is what drives our continuous team performance. We have current certificates and performance declarations for road construction, the concrete industry, and railway construction in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

CPR compliant and more

All products in the quarries and terminals are manufactured under Factory Production Control (FPC) and provided with Declaration of Performance (DoP) certificates which state the relevant product properties in accordance with the applicable (EN) standards. The conformity of the products with the DoP certificate is governed by the Construction Performance Regulation (CPR) certificate.

All products comply with the highest environmental quality designation as defined in the Dutch Soil Quality Decree (Besluit Bodemkwaliteit), meaning that it does not contain any harmful components above the strictest levels set for use of soil materials in The Netherlands.

The terminals have in-house laboratories which are certified to conduct a range of product tests. These tests are performed daily to ensure a constant high-quality product.

The production process and quality control are regularly audited by accredited Certification Institutes ensuring compliance with FPC and CPR certifications. Product are delivered with declarations regarding life cycle carbon footprint (MKI in Dutch).

The terminals are ISO 9001 certified. Bontrup holds all relevant certificates on country base.

Continuous testing

Continuous third-party and in-house testing is done to measure product properties such as PSV, LA, MDe, density, water absorption, etc, in accordance with the requirements and frequency set out in the product certification. Other tests as may be required for (international) projects, special applications and research include FAP testing, concrete testing, geotechnical tests, chemical tests, XRF, XRD, etc.

Questions or requests, please contact us.